Redeem Voucher

Redeem a Basketball Stars of America Program Voucher:
*Note: If you purchased multiple vouchers, you must redeem them individually!

Participant Information
Program and Voucher
Note: (If Groupon Voucher, it is the 8 Digits under Bar Code. If Amazon Voucher, it is the first 4 Letters or Numbers of Voucher Code)

By Clicking Submit, I am agreeing to the following:
I understand that I am enrolling my child in the Basketball Stars of America Program or affiliated program and that the Basketball Stars of America and any affiliates, Coach Daryn Freedman, or any coaches or facilities used will not be liable for any injuries incurred during participation in the program. I also understand that there are NO REFUNDS! If a player is injured and can’t continue, he or she will receive a prorated credit towards another BSA or affiliated program. I also understand that my child’s picture or team picture may be used in future BSA advertising material.